A bouquet that transcends time, The Ever-Red-dy Bunch is an elegant arrangement of 15-17 lush red roses, symbolizing passion, romance, and deep affection. Whether celebrating love, expressing admiration, or making an unforgettable gesture, this stunning bouquet is a heartfelt way to say it all.
Variant 1: Vintage Rose (Wrapped in Vintage Paper)
Wrapped in rustic vintage paper, Vintage Rose carries an old-world charm that evokes warmth, nostalgia, and timeless romance. Perfect for those who adore classic elegance, this bouquet speaks of love in its most poetic form.
Variant 2: Modern Love (Wrapped in Red & White Check Print)
A contemporary twist on a classic, Modern Love is wrapped in a chic red and white check print, blending tradition with a fresh, modern aesthetic. Ideal for the bold, stylish, and expressive, this bouquet is a celebration of love with a playful and vibrant touch.